
Celebratio Mathematica

Georgia Benkart

Bob Megginson,
Department of Mathematics,
University of Michigan

(friend and MSRI colleague)

Geor­gia was noth­ing short of amaz­ing, both as someone whole­heartedly de­voted to the in­clu­sion of wo­men in the math­em­at­ic­al en­ter­prise, as well as to the par­ti­cip­a­tion of oth­ers who have not tra­di­tion­ally been well rep­res­en­ted in the pro­fes­sion. A few weeks ago as I write this, MSRI was re­cog­nized by a White House award (Pres­id­en­tial Award for Ex­cel­lence in Sci­ence, Math­em­at­ics, and En­gin­eer­ing Ment­or­ing) for its con­tri­bu­tions to di­versity, equity, and in­clu­sion in math­em­at­ics, and Geor­gia con­trib­uted greatly to that re­cog­ni­tion through her de­vo­tion to DEI is­sues both as an MSRI Trust­ee and mem­ber of its Com­mit­tee on Wo­men in Math­em­at­ics, and cer­tainly by her own dir­ect work with MSRI’s out­reach to wo­men and sup­port for their in­clu­sion in its pro­grams. I have no doubt that her pas­sion­ate and de­tailed sup­port let­ter for the award was a sig­ni­fic­ant factor in the re­cog­ni­tion. As a friend and great ad­mirer of Geor­gia, I was stunned to learn of her passing, and miss her very much.