Celebratio Mathematica

Ingrid Daubechies

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Works connected to Yaron Lipman

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Y. Lip­man and I. Daubech­ies: Sur­face com­par­is­on with mass trans­port­a­tion. Pre­print, December 2009. ArXiv 0912.​3488 techreport

D. M. Boy­er, Y. Lip­man, E. S. Clair, J. Puente, B. A. Pa­tel, T. Funk­houser, J. Jern­vall, and I. Daubech­ies: “Al­gorithms to auto­mat­ic­ally quanti­fy the geo­met­ric sim­il­ar­ity of ana­tom­ic­al sur­faces,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108 : 45 (2011), pp. 18221–​18226. ArXiv 1110.​3649 article

J. M. Bunn, D. M. Boy­er, Y. Lip­man, E. M. S. Clair, J. Jern­vall, and I. Daubech­ies: “Com­par­ing Di­rich­let nor­mal sur­face en­ergy of tooth crowns, a new tech­nique of mol­ar shape quan­ti­fic­a­tion for di­et­ary in­fer­ence, with pre­vi­ous meth­ods in isol­a­tion and in com­bin­a­tion,” Am. J. Phys. An­thro­pol. 145 : 2 (June 2011), pp. 247–​261. article

Y. Lip­man and I. Daubech­ies: “Con­form­al Wasser­stein dis­tances: Com­par­ing sur­faces in poly­no­mi­al time,” Adv. Math. 227 : 3 (2011), pp. 1047–​1077. Part II was pub­lished in Math. Comp. 82:281 (2013). MR 2799600 Zbl 1217.​53026 ArXiv 1103.​4408 article

Y. Lip­man, J. Puente, and I. Daubech­ies: “Con­form­al Wasser­stein dis­tance, II: Com­pu­ta­tion­al as­pects and ex­ten­sions,” Math. Comp. 82 : 281 (2013), pp. 331–​381. Part I was pub­lished in Adv. Math 227:3 (2011). MR 2983027 Zbl 1281.​65034 ArXiv 1103.​4681 article

Y. Lip­man, R. Al-Ai­fari, and I. Daubech­ies: “Con­tinu­ous Pro­crustes dis­tance between two sur­faces,” Comm. Pure Ap­pl. Math. 66 : 6 (2013), pp. 934–​964. Full ver­sion of work presen­ted first at Third Work­shop on Non-Ri­gid Shape Ana­lys­is and De­form­able Im­age Align­ment (in con­junc­tion with CV­PR’10), June 2010. MR 3043386 Zbl 1276.​68157 ArXiv 1106.​4588 article