Celebratio Mathematica

Joseph L. Doob

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Works connected to Jaroslav Kožešnik

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J. L. Doob: “A re­l­at­ive lim­it the­or­em for para­bol­ic func­tions,” pp. 61–​70 in Trans­ac­tions of the second Prague con­fer­ence on in­form­a­tion the­ory, stat­ist­ic­al de­cision func­tions, ran­dom pro­cesses (Lib­lice, Czech Re­pub­lic, 1–6 June 1959). Edi­ted by J. Kožešnik. Na­k­lad­a­tel­ství Českoslov­enské Akademie Věd (Prague), 1961. MR 132923 Zbl 0101.​11302 incollection