
Celebratio Mathematica

Joel Hass

Hass, Thompson and Thurston on stabilizations of Heegaard splittings

by Rob Kirby

A Hee­gaard split­ting of a closed 3-di­men­sion­al man­i­fold \( M^3 \) is a cen­tur­ies-old [e1] de­scrip­tion of \( M \) as a uni­on of two handle­bod­ies with their bound­ar­ies (sur­faces of genus \( g \)) glued to­geth­er by a dif­feo­morph­ism. The 3-sphere is the uni­on of two 3-balls, or, more in­ter­est­ingly, the uni­on of two donuts (neigh­bor­hoods of the unit circle in the xy-plane and the z-ax­is uni­on in­fin­ity). The lat­ter split­ting is used to sta­bil­ize a Hee­gaard split­ting of \( M \), in­creas­ing its genus to \( g+1 \). One can ask if two Hee­gaard split­ting of the same man­i­fold are equi­val­ent; this was proved by Re­idemeister [e3] and Sing­er [e2] to be true after sta­bil­iz­ing.

A Hee­gaard split­ting of \( M \) also arises from a Morse-like func­tion \( f:M\to [0,3] \) where crit­ic­al points of in­dex \( i \) are mapped to \( i \). Then the Hee­gaard sur­face is \( S=f^{-1}(3/2) \). Cerf the­ory then gives an­oth­er proof of sta­bil­iz­a­tion be­cause sta­bil­iz­ing amounts to a birth of a can­cel­ling 1–2-pair.

A key ques­tion arose: Is one sta­bil­iz­a­tion suf­fi­cient or might more sta­bil­iz­a­tions be ne­ces­sary to trans­form one Hee­gaard genus \( g \) split­ting to an­oth­er? All ex­amples known needed only one sta­bil­iz­a­tion un­til the Hass–Thompson–Thur­ston pa­per [1], which gave ex­amples where \( g \) sta­bil­iz­a­tions are ne­ces­sary. These are ob­tained by switch­ing the two handle­bod­ies, or equi­val­ently turn­ing the Morse func­tion up­side down by chan­ging \( f \) to \( -f \).

The main the­or­em is:

For each \( g > 2 \) there is a 3-man­i­fold \( M_g \) with two genus \( g \) Hee­gaard split­tings that re­quire \( g \) sta­bil­iz­a­tions to be­come equi­val­ent.

It is al­ways true that \( g \) sta­bil­iz­a­tions are enough to turn any Hee­gaard split­ting of any closed 3-man­i­fold up­side down. A sketch of the ar­gu­ment is giv­en in a re­mark at the end of the In­tro­duc­tion (Sec­tion 2) of [1].

The proof that \( g \) sta­bil­iz­a­tions are needed em­bod­ies a beau­ti­ful to­po­lo­gic­al idea which re­quires subtle geo­metry in­volving curvature, volume, area and har­mon­ic maps.

Let \( \Sigma \) be the ori­gin­al genus \( g \) Hee­gaard sur­face. Then we sta­bil­ize \( \Sigma \) \( k \) times to ob­tain a Hee­gaard sur­face \( S \) of genus \( g+k \), and we want to show that \( k \) must at least equal \( g \).

To turn the Hee­gaard sur­face \( S \) up­side down, we need an iso­topy \( f_s: M \to M, s \in [0,1] \) which takes \( S \) to it­self but with the op­pos­ite ori­ent­a­tion.

\( M \) can be ex­pressed as \( \Sigma \times (-1,1) \) uni­on two spines which are the wedges of \( g \) circles. As \( S \) flips up­side down, we have a two para­met­er fam­ily of sur­faces, \( S_{s,t}, s\in [0,1], t \in (-1,1) \), where the sur­face \( S_{s,t} \) is the im­age of the slice \( S \times t \) un­der the iso­topy \( f_s \) at time \( s \). These sur­faces di­vide \( M \) in­to two parts, and we col­or one red and one blue, giv­ing the sur­face a red and a blue side.

Figure 1.

Now choose \( s \) and \( t \) so that the sur­face \( S_{s,t} \) di­vides the volume of \( M \) in half. There is a 1-para­met­er fam­ily \( \lambda \) of such sur­faces. Con­sider the two halves, left and right, of \( M \) when cut by \( \Sigma \times 0 \). Then \( (0,0) \) and \( (1,0) \) both be­long to \( \lambda \) but with the left side red in the first case, and the right side red in the second case. Thus there must be an \( (s,t) \) for which \( S_{s,t} \) di­vides the left side in equal parts and sim­il­arly the right side (see Fig­ure 1).

Met­rics are chosen so that \( \Sigma \times (-1,1) \) is very long and thin. Then be­cause of area and volume bounds, each \( S_{s,t} \) will in­ter­sect a high per­cent­age of the \( \Sigma \times t \) in very small circles, each one smal­ler than the in­jectiv­ity ra­di­us of \( \Sigma \times t \) and thus bound­ing a disk in \( \Sigma \times t \). All disks will be the same col­or be­cause their com­ple­ment is con­nec­ted (this is only true if the circles are not nes­ted, in which case the ar­gu­ment is slightly more subtle).

Since \( S_{s,t} \) is so thin most of the time, we can as­sume it is thin at \( \Sigma \times 0 \). Then we can sur­ger each of the small circles at time 0, thus cap­ping off the tubes with disks. As­sume these disks cap off red tubes. Now we fo­cus on the left side of \( M \) and find a slice \( \Sigma \times \tau \), at which the tubes are thin and mostly blue (oth­er­wise the volume of the left side would not be di­vided in half by red and blue re­gions). Now cap off these disks to get a closed sur­face \( F \) in­side \( \Sigma \times [\tau,0] \).

The key ob­ser­va­tion now is that we can run a green arc from \( \Sigma \times 0 \) through a red cap, thus in­ter­sect­ing \( F \) in a point and go­ing from a blue re­gion in­to a red re­gion, and then stay­ing in the red re­gion to its end point at \( \Sigma \times \tau \). The green arc may in­ter­sect \( F \) in two more points whenev­er in­ter­sect­ing a com­pon­ent of \( F \) which en­closes a blue re­gion. This green arc in­ter­sects \( F \) an odd num­ber of times and hence is ho­mo­lo­gic­ally dual to \( F \). This means that \( F \) rep­res­ents \( H_2 (\Sigma \times [\tau ,0],Z/2) \), and thus must have genus great­er than or equal to \( g \) be­cause there is no de­gree one map of a sur­face of lower genus to a sur­face of high­er genus.

Now we do the same for the right side, again get­ting a closed sur­face of genus great­er than or equal to \( g \). It fol­lows that our split­ting \( S_{s,t} \) has genus equal to at least \( 2g \).

The bulk of this pa­per is de­voted to del­ic­ate geo­met­ric­al ar­gu­ments. For ex­ample, the sur­faces \( S_{s,t} \) need to be de­formed to a fam­ily of har­mon­ic or en­ergy min­im­iz­ing maps which may res­ult in 2-chains (not ne­ces­sar­ily em­bed­ded) which still al­low the ho­mo­lo­gic­al min­im­iz­ing ar­gu­ments above.

The pa­per in­tro­duces a new tech­nique in its use of har­mon­ic maps to un­der­stand the to­po­logy of 3-man­i­folds. This is re­min­is­cent of the im­port­ant role played by min­im­al sur­faces and seems prom­ising for fu­ture ap­plic­a­tions.


[1] J. Hass, A. Thompson, and W. Thur­ston: “Sta­bil­iz­a­tion of Hee­gaard split­tings,” Geom. To­pol. 13 : 4 (2009), pp. 2029–​2050. MR 2507114 Zbl 1177.​57018 ArXiv 0802.​2145 article