by J. Hyam Rubinstein and Peter Scott
Joel Hass has made groundbreaking contributions in several areas. Firstly, Hass, together with outstanding collaborators Agol, Thurston, Lagarias, and Pippenger, has made major advances in our understanding of the computational complexity of algorithms in 3-manifold topology and knot theory. For example, they gave a beautiful method for bounding the number of Reidemeister moves needed to convert any diagram of the unknot into standard form. Previously no explicit bounds were known to solve this problem. Haken, in 1960, had given the first solution to the unknot recognition problem, but Hass and his collaborators finally established the complexity of this important question. It is still open whether or not recognising the unknot has a polynomial-time algorithm. This is a subject of continuing intense interest. Hass also revisited this problem in interesting work with Thurston, Lagarias and Snoeyink, looking at explicit classes of examples where bounds can be given on the area and complexity of disks, depending on the description of the boundary unknot.
In the theory and applications of minimal surfaces, Hass has made crucial discoveries. In a series of papers on intersections and self-intersections of least area surfaces in 3-dimensional manifolds with Scott and the key initial paper also with Freedman, Hass developed techniques used by many other authors. The “mantra” of their work is that least area surfaces have least self-intersections and intersections. Scott used this method to prove topological rigidity of Seifert fibred manifolds in a major paper in the Annals. (Rigidity here means that homotopy equivalence implies homeomorphism). Hass and Scott then extended topological rigidity to 3-manifolds which have immersed essential surfaces satisfying certain combinatorial properties (4-plane and 1-line conditions). Aitchison and Rubinstein then applied this to the class of 3-manifolds with Cat(0) cubings. This was followed by the work of Sageev on pairs of groups with more than one end and actions on Cat(0) cubical complexes, which then was further developed by Wise using special cubical complexes culminating in Agol’s recent wonderful solution of the virtual Haken and virtual fibring conjectures of Thurston.
As a byproduct, Hass and Scott wrote several elegant papers on properties of geodesics on surfaces, using similar methods. This is a very classical area of research, but their approach gave interesting insights into the combinatorics of geodesics using general Riemannian metrics.
Hass, Rubinstein and Scott were able to show that any irreducible 3-manifold with an immersed essential surface is covered by Euclidean 3-space, using the Hass–Scott technology for least area surfaces. Hass, with Rubinstein and Wang, gave a strong bound on the relation between genus and boundary slope of essential surfaces in 3-manifolds with hyperbolic metrics, using minimal surfaces. Finally Hass, Norbury and Rubinstein gave the first explicit construction of embedded minimal spheres with arbitrarily high Morse index.
With Schlafly, Hass solved the famous double bubble conjecture, showing that two soap bubbles which are stuck together and have equal volumes must form a rotationally symmetric shape. Their argument is a tour de force of delicate geometry and numerical analysis. There have since been further advances in the understanding of the structures of combinations of bubbles, but their work was the first big breakthrough on this topic.
Hass has recently worked with engineers and computer scientists on important problems in computer-aided design, especially efficiently interpolating surface shapes (splines).
Together with Thompson and Thurston, Hass gave a wonderful construction, using harmonic maps, of two Heegaard splittings which require many stabilisations (adding trivial handles) to make them isotopic. This was an old central problem in the study of handle presentations (Heegaard splittings of 3-dimensional manifolds). The idea is that “turning over” a surface, i.e., isotoping it to reverse the sides, should require adding \( g \) handles, where \( g \) is the genus of the surface. To make this precise, area estimates are used employing the theory of harmonic maps. In particular, the manifold has a “long thin shape” with small cross-section given by the surface.
More recently, Hass and Scott have developed a theory of discrete harmonic mappings. This is a very exciting topic — harmonic mappings occur in many physical problems such as sigma models, but analysing their singularities involves delicate problems in partial differential equations. The discrete version, as developed by Hass and Scott, should have many interesting applications but without the difficult analysis. Moreover, doing computational experimentation should be much easier than with the classical smooth version.
Hass, together with collaborators from the biomolecular area, has been studying the geometry of proteins, especially the problem of efficiently locating potential docking sites. With his extremely broad skills in geometric analysis, Hass is an ideal collaborator for molecular biologists.