
Celebratio Mathematica

Shōshichi Kobayashi

Remembering Shoshichi Kobayashi

by Robert Greene

Nomizu and Kobayashi, 1954.
Photo courtesy of the Nomizu family.

Berke­ley in the 1960s was an earthly para­dise for people in­ter­ested in real and com­plex geo­metry. When I ar­rived in early 1965 as a new gradu­ate stu­dent, Pro­fess­or Chern was the un­ques­tioned lead­er of the geo­metry group, and in­deed of the field it­self, and Kobay­ashi oc­cu­pied a spe­cial place as an or­gan­izer and presenter of the field as a whole. He was, after all, the au­thor with K. Nom­izu of The Book, Found­a­tions of Dif­fer­en­tial Geo­metry, which was to func­tion for many years as the ver­it­able bible of the sub­ject. It was a sum­mit all the new stu­dents in geo­metry were de­term­ined to climb. When Volume II ap­peared in 1969, the whole be­came a defin­it­ive work in­deed, a po­s­i­tion which the pas­sage of time has not dimmed as far as the field up to that point is con­cerned.

After qual­i­fy­ing ex­am­in­a­tions, I began work with Hung-Hsi Wu as my dis­ser­ta­tion ad­visor, a happy as­so­ci­ation that turned later in­to a long-term col­lab­or­a­tion. Al­most as soon as Wu had ac­cep­ted me as a stu­dent, he went on sab­bat­ic­al in Eng­land for a term, so he asked Kobay­ashi to take me un­der his wing. The pro­pos­al was that I should read Hel­gas­on’s Dif­fer­en­tial Geo­metry and Sym­met­ric Spaces un­der Kobay­ashi’s guid­ance. Kobay­ashi was the soul of po­lite­ness in deal­ing with my ob­vi­ous dis­af­fec­tion from the book I was sup­posed to be go­ing through. And in spite of this some­what rocky start — I think Kobay­ashi nev­er quite en­tirely for­gave me for not lik­ing Hel­gas­on’s book — we be­came friends.

Im­press­ive though Kobay­ashi and Nom­izu’s great sur­vey book was and is, it was an­oth­er of Kobay­ashi’s books, Hy­per­bol­ic Man­i­folds and Holo­morph­ic Map­pings, that demon­strated best the el­eg­ance with which he could present a sub­ject from its be­gin­nings. When his “little red book,” as we young people thought of it, ap­peared it had a big in­flu­ence on us, flow­ing along as it did like a crys­tal stream. It was se­duct­ive, and in­deed it did con­vince people that hy­per­bol­ic man­i­folds had a good bit more vi­tal­ity as an in­de­pend­ent sub­ject than it in fact did in the long run, vi­tal though the Kobay­ashi met­ric be­came and re­mains as a tool. The hy­per­bol­ic idea swept through Berke­ley like a Cali­for­nia wild­fire in the hills. I did not work on hy­per­bol­ic man­i­folds dir­ectly at that time, but later in the mid-1970s Wu and I de­veloped a re­fine­ment of the strictly neg­at­ive curvature cri­terion, so I did get in­to the hy­per­bol­ic act even­tu­ally. And the gen­er­al circle of ideas did in­flu­ence me in the dir­ec­tion of think­ing about com­plex man­i­folds. In this some­what in­dir­ect way, Kobay­ashi shaped my math­em­at­ic­al life, since com­plex geo­metry has re­mained my prin­cip­al math­em­at­ic­al in­terest.