
Celebratio Mathematica

Shōshichi Kobayashi

Remembering Shoshichi Kobayashi

by Gary R. Jensen

For me, Shoshi­chi Kobay­ashi was the ideal thes­is ad­visor and ment­or. Without his help and guid­ance at many stages, I would nev­er have be­come a pro­fess­or of math­em­at­ics. Here is the story.

After four semesters of course work at Berke­ley, I could ima­gine only Pro­fess­or Kobay­ashi as someone I might talk to. When I asked him to be my ad­visor, his re­sponse was cau­tious but not cold. After all, I had taken no courses in dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry oth­er than the re­quired curves and sur­faces course. He sug­ges­ted that I spend the sum­mer read­ing his new book, writ­ten with Nom­izu, Found­a­tions of Dif­fer­en­tial Geo­metry, vol. I. Thus began my lifelong love of dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry.

At the be­gin­ning of the fall semester he agreed to be my ad­visor. He handed me a list of prob­lems he and James Eells had ed­ited for the pro­ceed­ings of a re­cent con­fer­ence in Kyoto, Ja­pan, with an in­dic­a­tion of two or three prob­lems that might in­terest me. A week later we agreed that I look at the prob­lem pro­posed by Eells and Sampson: Does any simply con­nec­ted, com­pact Rieman­ni­an space of non­neg­at­ive curvature ad­mit a Ricci par­al­lel met­ric? Dur­ing that aca­dem­ic year I read pa­pers and got nowhere. When I fi­nally told Pro­fess­or Kobay­ashi that I felt I was mak­ing no pro­gress, in fact, that I really had no idea of how to be­gin try­ing to solve this prob­lem, his reply was simple and pro­foundly help­ful. “Why don’t you just look at the di­men­sion four ho­mo­gen­eous case first,” he said. It is em­bar­rass­ing to re­mem­ber that for a year this idea had not oc­curred to me. Along with this ad­vice he sug­ges­ted a pa­per by S. Ishi­hara on four-di­men­sion­al ho­mo­gen­eous spaces. At last, a pa­per I un­der­stood and saw how to ap­ply to my prob­lem.

Gradu­ate school at Berke­ley in the mid-six­ties was won­der­ful. In our meet­ing at the be­gin­ning of the fall 1967 semester, Pro­fess­or Kobay­ashi quietly men­tioned that this would be my last year. “But I don’t have enough res­ults for a thes­is,” I re­minded him. Yes, he agreed, but he stated again that this would be my last year. I got the mes­sage and it was a power­ful mo­tiv­at­or. In our weekly meet­ings I star­ted present­ing par­tial res­ults, bits and pieces that at first seemed to hit a wall, but soon began yield­ing to the as­sault. By the end of Decem­ber I had found all ho­mo­gen­eous Ein­stein spaces of di­men­sion four.

Mean­while, Pro­fess­or Kobay­ashi had raised the is­sue of a job for next year. Strangely enough, I was very vague on this point, no doubt due to my sub­con­scious de­sire to re­main a gradu­ate stu­dent for the rest of my life. He in­tro­duced me to some math­em­aticians from a uni­versity in the East, and I told them I would like to join their de­part­ment. Weeks passed with no com­mu­nic­a­tion from that de­part­ment. I didn’t give it much thought, but one day Pro­fess­or Kobay­ashi asked me, with some anxi­ety, wheth­er I had heard any­thing. Hear­ing the an­swer and hear­ing that I had not ap­plied for any­thing else, he took me by the arm and es­cor­ted me to the lib­rary’s col­lec­tion of note­books of avail­able jobs. To­geth­er we picked out a few. He told me to write a let­ter of ap­plic­a­tion to each and to find two more people to write let­ters of re­com­mend­a­tion for me. It still fright­ens me to think what might have be­come of me if he had not in­ter­vened so ef­fect­ively at that time to make sure that I had ap­plied for jobs. In early March I in­ter­viewed at Carne­gie-Mel­lon and ac­cep­ted their of­fer.

In June my fam­ily and I headed out for Pitt­s­burgh with a copy of the manuscript of Found­a­tions of Dif­fer­en­tial Geo­metry, vol. II, in the trunk of the car. After read­ing it I struggled to find new re­search prob­lems. I wrote to Pro­fess­or Kobay­ashi that I needed more con­tact with dif­fer­en­tial geo­met­ers. I asked him if a postdoc­tor­al fel­low­ship some­where might be pos­sible. In early March a call came from Wash­ing­ton Uni­versity in St. Louis ask­ing me if I would be in­ter­ested in com­ing there to in­ter­view for a one-year postdoc po­s­i­tion con­nec­ted to a spe­cial year in sym­met­ric spaces. Pro­fess­or Kobay­ashi had sug­ges­ted my name to them for this po­s­i­tion.

At the end of my postdoc year, I ac­cep­ted a ten­ure-track of­fer from Wash­ing­ton Uni­versity. Pro­fess­or Kobay­ashi’s ment­or­ing con­tin­ued. He was in­stru­ment­al in ar­ran­ging a vis­it­ing re­search po­s­i­tion for me at Berke­ley dur­ing the sum­mer of 1971. In one con­ver­sa­tion that sum­mer he dir­ec­ted my at­ten­tion to his 1963 Tôhoku Math. J. pa­per “To­po­logy of pos­it­ively pinched Kaehler man­i­folds,” which formed the basis of my best-known pa­per of the 1970s, “Ein­stein met­rics on prin­cip­al fibre bundles,” a pa­per that prob­ably tipped the ten­ure de­cision in my fa­vor.