
Celebratio Mathematica

Cathleen Morawetz

Curriculum Vitae

We in­clude here (see link at the up­per right) Cath­leen Mor­awetz’ most re­cent CV whose in­tern­al evid­ence sug­gests it was last up­dated in about 2002. The read­er will see that the many of­fi­cial po­s­i­tions Mor­awetz oc­cu­pied dur­ing the peri­od of her most in­tense pro­fes­sion­al activ­ity placed her at the nex­us of aca­dem­ic and in­dus­tri­al spheres of in­flu­ence in the US and abroad. We note, for ex­ample, that she car­ried on her fath­er’s leg­acy of sci­entif­ic lead­er­ship in Ire­land, where she served as chair­man of the board of the School of The­or­et­ic­al Phys­ics at the Dub­lin In­sti­tute for Ad­vanced Stud­ies (1995–2000) and was named Fel­low of the Roy­al Ir­ish Academy in 2000. She was named Fel­low of the Roy­al So­ci­ety of Canada in 1996 and Hon­or­ary Mem­ber of the Lon­don Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety in 2001. And she gave im­port­ant in­vited ad­dresses to in­ter­na­tion­al con­gresses, such as the So­ci­ety for In­dus­tri­al and Ap­plied Math­em­at­ics (SIAM) and the In­ter­na­tion­al Con­gress of Math­em­aticians (ICM).

But there are two prizes that came to­ward the end of her ca­reer and which are miss­ing from this doc­u­ment.1 In ad­di­tion to the Na­tion­al Medal of Sci­ence she re­ceived in 1998, she was awar­ded the Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety’s Leroy P. Steele Prize for Life­time Achieve­ment in 2004, and the George Dav­id Birk­hoff Prize in Ap­plied Math­em­at­ics (also from the AMS) in 2006.

A com­plete bib­li­o­graphy of Mor­awetz’ pub­lished works can be seen on the Works page of this volume.