
Celebratio Mathematica

Georgia Benkart

Marty Isaacs,
Univeristy of Wisconsin, Madison

(friend, colleague and collaborator)

Shortly after Geor­gia Ben­k­art ar­rived at the UW, she gave a gradu­ate course in Lie al­geb­ras. I at­ten­ded Geor­gia’s lec­tures in this course, and I was doubly im­pressed.

First, al­though I had seen Lie al­geb­ras pre­vi­ously, I not real­ized how beau­ti­ful that sub­ject could be un­til Geor­gia made it come alive in her course. In fact, I was nearly se­duced by Geor­gia’s lec­tures in­to abandon­ing my first math­em­at­ic­al love — group the­ory — and I began think­ing about prob­lems in Lie al­geb­ras. In­deed, I wrote and pub­lished two pa­pers (jointly with Geor­gia and our col­league, J. Mar­shall Os­born) on simple Lie al­geb­ras in prime char­ac­ter­ist­ic, and a fur­ther pa­per jointly with Geor­gia.

An­oth­er im­press­ive as­pect of Geor­gia’s course was her beau­ti­ful lec­tures. These were care­fully pre­pared and ex­tremely well presen­ted, and even her black­board use was ex­cep­tion­ally fine, with beau­ti­ful hand­writ­ing and ex­cel­lent or­gan­iz­a­tion.

I also got to know Geor­gia very well in a non-math­em­at­ic­al con­text. She lived for a while in an apart­ment build­ing ad­ja­cent to where I lived, and since I had a very con­veni­ent cam­pus park­ing space, we agreed that she would come to the math de­part­ment each morn­ing in my car. Be­cause of this daily con­tact, our friend­ship de­veloped nicely. I en­joyed those com­mutes with Geor­gia, and I was sad when she moved out of my neigh­bor­hood, and thus ended our morn­ing co-com­mutes.

Al­though I have not really seen much of Geor­gia since we both re­tired from the UW, her un­timely death pro­duces in me an emo­tion of sad­ness that is akin to, but of course much stronger than, the feel­ing I had when she stopped rid­ing in to cam­pus with me every morn­ing.

Not only will I miss Geor­gia, but also, I ex­pect that she will be missed by her oth­er col­lab­or­at­ors and by her stu­dents, and in­deed, by every­one who had any sub­stan­tial con­tact with her.