
Celebratio Mathematica

Georgia Benkart

Van C. Nguyen,
U.S. Naval Academy


I just talked to Geor­gia a few days ago in our weekly meet­ings and it was heart broken to think she is no longer with us. Geor­gia has been an in­valu­able ment­or and in­spir­a­tion in my life. I first heard her 2014 No­eth­er Lec­ture when I was a gradu­ate stu­dent. Her talk was beau­ti­fully writ­ten and de­livered. She was calm, clear, con­fid­ent, and ab­so­lutely bril­liant while be­ing humble, and I thought to my­self, ”I want to be like her when I grow up!” I had a chance of get­ting to know Geor­gia more through the Wo­men in Non­com­mut­at­ive Al­gebra and Rep­res­ent­a­tion The­ory (WIN­ART) work­shops and we have been meet­ing weekly since mid 2018. I truly en­joyed my years of know­ing and work­ing with Geor­gia, the math we have done and the times when we took the train to York for sight­see­ing or when we hung out in Berke­ley or Madis­on. In­geni­ous, com­pet­ent, math­em­at­ic­ally tal­en­ted, de­tail ori­ented, pos­it­ive, kind, lov­ing, warm, pa­tient, sup­port­ive, genu­ine, humble, witty sense of hu­mor,…those are not enough to de­scribe Geor­gia. She was truly a re­mark­able per­son, both per­son­ally and math­em­at­ic­ally. I am so glad our lives have crossed and I have learned so much from her. “Adi­os!” — as she al­ways said at the end of our Zoom meet­ings with a big smile on her face. We will miss her dearly.