Celebratio Mathematica

Marc Yor

Dix thèmes de recherche sur les processus stochastiques qui me tiennent à cœur et m’ont longtemps occupé, I

Works connected to Paul-André Meyer

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M. Yor: “Sous-es­paces denses dans \( L^1 \) ou \( H^1 \) et re­présen­t­a­tion des mar­tin­gales” [Dense sub­spaces in \( L^1 \) or \( H^1 \) and rep­res­ent­a­tion of mar­tin­gales], pp. 265–​309 in Sémin­aire de prob­ab­ilités XII [Twelfth prob­ab­il­ity sem­in­ar]. Edi­ted by C. Del­lacher­ie, P. A. Mey­er, and M. Weil. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 649. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1978. With an ap­pendix by the au­thor and J. de Sam Laz­aro. MR 520008 Zbl 0391.​60046 incollection

M. Bar­low, J. Pit­man, and M. Yor: “On Walsh’s Browni­an mo­tions,” pp. 275–​293 in Sémin­aire de prob­ab­ilités XXIII [Twenty-third prob­ab­il­ity sem­in­ar]. Edi­ted by J. Azéma, P. A. Mey­er, and M. Yor. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 1372. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1989. MR 1022917 Zbl 0747.​60072 incollection

T. Jeulin and M. Yor: “Fil­tra­tion des ponts browni­ens et équa­tions différen­ti­elles stochastiques linéaires” [Fil­ter­ing of Browni­an bridges and lin­ear stochast­ic dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions], pp. 227–​265 in Sémin­aire de prob­ab­ilités XXIV [Twenty-fourth prob­ab­il­ity sem­in­ar]. Edi­ted by J. Azéma, P. A. Mey­er, and M. Yor. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 1426. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1990. MR 1071543 Zbl 0699.​60075 incollection

T. Jeulin and M. Yor: “Moy­ennes mo­biles et se­mi­martin­gales” [Mov­ing av­er­ages and se­mi­martin­gales], pp. 53–​77 in Sémin­aire de prob­ab­ilités XXVII [Twenty-sev­enth prob­ab­il­ity sem­in­ar]. Edi­ted by J. Azéma, P.-A. Mey­er, and M. Yor. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 1557. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1993. MR 1308553 Zbl 0788.​60059 incollection