Celebratio Mathematica

Cathleen Morawetz

Transonic flow and
mixed-type partial differential equations

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C. S. Mor­awetz: “On the non-ex­ist­ence of con­tinu­ous tran­son­ic flows past pro­files, III,” Comm. Pure Ap­pl. Math. 11 : 1 (1958), pp. 129–​144. MR 96478 article

C. S. Mor­awetz: “The math­em­at­ic­al ap­proach to the son­ic bar­ri­er,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 6 : 2 (1982), pp. 127–​145. Jo­si­ah Wil­lard Gibbs lec­ture presen­ted at AMS meet­ing, San Fran­cisco, 7 Janu­ary 1981. MR 640941 Zbl 0506.​76064 article

D. Lupo, C. S. Mor­awetz, and K. R. Payne: “On closed bound­ary value prob­lems for equa­tions of mixed el­lipt­ic-hy­per­bol­ic type,” Comm. Pure Ap­pl. Math. 60 : 9 (2007), pp. 1319–​1348. An er­rat­um to this art­icle was pub­lished in Comm. Pure Ap­pl. Math. 61:4 (2008). MR 2337506 Zbl 1125.​35066 article