by Marc Atlan, Helyette Geman and Dilip Madan
The paper is organized in three parts: the first part, written by Helyette Geman, discusses the first encounters of Marc Yor with the field of mathematical finance and a number of anecdotes related to his life in the field. The second part, written by Dilip Madan, starts in 1997, when Dilip began visiting Paris every January for a month. The Appendix is the testimony of Marc Atlan, a former PhD student of Marc Yor.
Part one
My tribute to Marc will be a collection of short stories, since I got the honor of sharing with him not only scientific moments but also moments of fun, after which I would always tell him that these would be published in my book of “Short Stories”, but he would be allowed to proofread. The last piece is not going to happen, unfortunately.
One morning at the end of the year 1989, I gathered my audacity and went to see the great Marc Yor with a project: I needed his (crucial) help to solve the problem of evaluating options written on the arithmetic average of the stock price (so called Asian when they appeared in 1989, probably following the names of European and American options) in the reference Black–Scholes–Merton setting, namely a stock price driven by a geometric Brownian motion.
I was welcome by Marc’s usual kindness and explained the challenging problem: the sum of two geometric Brownian motions (today, it would be the sum of the exponentials of a Lévy process) is not a geometric Brownian motion, and many of us had understood at the time, using several avenues and not necessarily the ‘partial differential equations’ approach of the founding papers, why this assumption in the Black–Scholes–Merton model made the valuation so ‘simple’. I also mentioned the existing literature at the time, and the battles raging in the journal RISK — then read by practitioners and academics in finance — between those who were writing that an “Average Intelligence” was needed to solve the problem; and those who thought that the difficulty went “Beyond Average Intelligence”. Marc listened with amusement; he always smiled at my finance stories, agreed to look at the problem but did not promise to solve it or to write a paper on the subject. I insisted on the fact that we should find the exact solution of the exact problem: not replace the arithmetic average by a geometric one, not find a numerical approximation. Even though this was his first encounter, to my best knowledge, with finance, Marc understood right away that an exact solution would provide us with the Greeks, hence the hedging and trading strategies.
Off we went on the project: Marc was a visiting professor at ETH at the time. He would travel from Zurich by the night train on Friday and be in his office by 7 am in the morning, time at which we would meet. At 7h00 on Saturday, we did not get disturbed by too many people in the Laboratoire de Probabilités and I could ask again and again my questions about positive processes stable under additivity. In the mean time, we computed all moments of the arithmetic average that we published in a Note aux Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences; a Canadian actuary, Daniel Dufresne, was also working on the problem.
One Saturday morning, it happened: Marc said to me “What about using the property that a geometric Brownian motion can be written as a time-changed squared Bessel process?” (Lamperti (1972), Williams and Rogers (1987)). From that minute, stochastic time changes applied to finance provided us with their beauties: their ‘obvious’ ability to represent stochastic volatility (accelerate the time when volatility is higher, reduce the speed when it is lower, and you recover the constant volatility of the Black–Scholes–Merton model). In the years 1991, 1992, the subject of stochastic volatility was getting widespread on both sides of the ocean (see Dupire (1993), Derman & Kani (1993), Heston (1993)).
We dedicated a section of our paper to the use of stochastic time changes to address stochastic volatility; conversely, we kept in mind that an easy way to introduce stochastic volatility in the stock price process is to change the time, as we did in Carr–Geman–Madan–Yor (2003). Moreover, the choice of the increasing process for the time change could incorporate the properties we perceived in volatility, such as clustering for instance. In fact, I was so thrilled by the many applications of time changes to finance that, for a while, the title of the paper was “Time Changes in Mathematical Finance”, a title that should have been kept if it was not for the buzz around Asian options…
The final version of the paper was typically French: very long, addressing three big topics, the third one being the valuation of perpetuities in the so-called Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (1985) model where the short-term rate is driven by a squared Bessel process. Because of the square root present in the stochastic differential equation satisfied by the process, the CIR model is also usually referred to as the square-root process. Despite its “density”, we received in 1994 the first prize of the Merrill Lynch awards for it and were happy… I went on and wrote in 1995 with Alex Eydeland a solution to the inversion of the Laplace transform which extended the problem to the complex plane.
To finish on the subject, which is an important one to me since it gave me the opportunity to build over three years a solid friendship with Marc, became a renewed subject of attention because of its gigantic use in the world of crude oil and other commodities and was the theme of the last conference we attended together in July 2013, I will mention a final story. In March 1992 took place at the University of Warwick a conference on “Complex Options”. Ton Vorst, from Erasmus University, was going to discuss his clever approximation of the arithmetic average by the geometric average, hence preserving the geometric Brownian motion. Practitioners were presenting various approximation results and my own slides were quite heavy: one stochastic time change plus two measure changes to ‘only’ obtain the Laplace transform of the price with respect to time to maturity. So, in order to introduce some numbers, I decided to present an example based on the parameters used in the valuation of an Asian option written on a currency discussed in a published paper. I took a number of strikes \( k \) for the option, including \( k=0 \), and computed in parallel the price of the plain-vanilla European call option with same strike and maturity. The Asian call option turned out to be more expensive in my computations and I say to myself: this is impossible, since the volatility is lower than the one of the European call. It is 8.30 pm in Warwick, 9.30 pm in St Chéron (with no uncertainty!); I managed to find coins, a phone booth and called Marc about the situation. After fifteen minutes, I had consumed my coins, Marc had to go to bed after one of his usual long days and I was alone with my so-called mistake or paradox. Late at night, I understood: under the pricing measure, the drift of the currency in the numerical example was negative (as it may be the case also for dividend paying stocks or commodities) and indeed, the Asian call was more expensive. I had — and others at the time — been fooled by the slogan “the price of the option is the price of the volatility”; but the risk-adjusted drift matters, obviously…
We used again the method of the computation of the Laplace transform of the option price three years later in the valuation of double- barrier options, a problem that could also be solved as a triple integral of the density of the triple (Brownian motion \( (t) \), Maximum \( (t) \), Inf \( (t) \)) provided by Louis Bachelier in 1941.
So much was happening at that time in the field! In parallel to option pricing, I continued to work on the problem of stochastic time changes with one of my PhD students as of 1994. At that time, there was a first large move of the financial markets into what is called today “High frequency trading”; in the work with Ané, we were already looking at time intervals of one minute versus 30 minutes. We discovered the paper by Clark (1973) who had remarkably conjectured that representing the stock return as a subordinated Brownian motion was a way to address the non-normality of asset returns without resorting to processes with infinite variance, as proposed by Mandelbrot in 1966. The beautiful Clark’s representation of the stock as a subordinated process was obtained through the approach of Functional Analysis. The stochastic time-change probabilistic approach does not require the time-change to be a subordinator. During Summer of 1997, Marc was on the West Coast as usual and I was at the University of Massachusetts. I had discussions on the topic of time change with the probabilist Joe Horowitz; Joe indicated to me the paper written by Monroe in 1978 about the property that “Any semimartingale can be expressed as a time-changed Brownian motion”. So consequently, the circle was closed: in Finance, under No Arbitrage, the (log) price process has to be a semi martingale under the real probability measure (since a martingale under an equivalent martingale measure). Itrel Monroe (1978) in his beautiful paper said that any semimartingale could be embedded/written as a time-changed Brownian motion. Hence, writing the log stock price as a time-changed Brownian motion was not a conjecture any more (but Clark “could” not know it in 1973!). I was so excited that I called Marc on the West Coast that very day (his landlord was certainly amazed at the number of groupies this quiet mathematician had!). And Marc, with his usual humility, told me “I should have thought about this paper by Monroe !”. I went on and wrote the result in my paper with Ané published in 2000 — now, we only needed to identify empirically and/or mathematically the stochastic clock providing normality, and empirically, the obvious candidates to drive the clock were the volume or number of trades. We also wrote with Marc and Dilip in 2001 our first proposal for the introduction of jumps in stock prices under the title “Asset Prices are Brownian motion: Only in Business Time”: the time change had to be discontinuous in order to allow for the local uncertainty contained in the driver of the clock, namely the news/trading activity.
One recurrent feature of my time with Marc was the prevalence of joy: I would make jokes about the financial community and Marc — who never made a penny from his deep intuition of the field and mastering of the maths around — would smile and be totally indulgent, so smart in understanding a jargon he had never really learnt. His intelligence was flying at so many levels!
A high moment of amusement was a conference on Derivatives at Boston University in June 1998. The two guest speakers were Robert Merton, Nobel Prize winner and partner of the then alive hedge fund Long Term capital management; and Jeffrey Skilling, Chief Executive Officer of the then magic company Enron. Robert Merton made an academic presentation about derivatives. Jeffrey Skilling had not bothered to prepare any talk; he told the audience he could not disclose the amazing trading strategies Enron was implementing in their Houston headquarters to generate hundreds of millions, but was just going to give us one tip: “Turn on your washing machine at night, when electricity is priced at the off peak regime”. Marc was unimpressed and said to me “I can do that; it is the time in the day when I answer the dozens of faxes I have received”. We never discussed the subject any more and I was so surprised three years later, after Enron collapsed with a lot of damage to its employees and Jeffrey Skilling was sent to jail for wrongdoings, to hear Marc say to me on the phone “Is the person in jail the one wearing these incredibly pointed Texan boots? I knew his disclosed strategies were too simple to be so profitable!”
During the First Bachelier World Congress I had the honor to organize in 2000 at Collège de France and Institut Henri Poincaré, Marc was a Keynote Speaker, of course. He was so happy to meet Henry McKean, another amazingly humble character and another mathematician able to cover the twelve boards of the Amphithéatre Marguerite de Navarre with an impeccable handwriting of beautiful formulas. McKean had written in 1965 the exact formula for the valuation of an American option in the geometric Brownian motion setting, in the case of an infinite maturity. The problem in the case of a finite maturity of the option is still open today — -but there are many remarkable papers on the subject, of course.
Another joyful memory was the time of the first session on Mathematical Finance Marc organized at the Académie des Sciences, in the early years 2000. The day before, a major strike had stopped all subways and trains, and Marc had stayed overnight at the Hôtel de Senlis with Dilip. When I arrived to pick them up on the way to the Académie, they had already checked out of their rooms. Marc calmly went behind an armchair to change into the fresh clothes I had brought from my place. I was laughing stupidly and repeating that I would write one day about this incredibly famous scientist getting dressed so uncomfortably on his way to the Académie des Sciences…
Like everyone else, my greatest memory of Marc is his incredible generosity: generosity with his time, generosity for the way he would thank us for bringing forward interesting problems, generosity with the amount of incredible efforts he put into the successful opening of Wolfgang Doeblin’s “Pli Cacheté”.
My last conference with Marc took place in July 2013 at the University of St Andrews, in Scotland. The subject was “Asian Options and Commodities”. The location was spectacular, the group very friendly and Marc, tired at the start, looked increasingly happy. Andrew Lyassoff, from Boston University, Marc and I were staying at the same hotel. The second night, the three of us left our keys on the key holder at the entrance, and we came back to find the hotel locked. So, the two mathematicians had to break into the place, and just when they had succeeded, a police car stopped by. I explained to the policemen that they should not worry because these two men were “probabilists”, hence harmless; they looked puzzled and left. Marc then told me that Scotland should not leave the United Kingdom, and once again, I was so impressed with how much he was in touch with the real world while flying so high scientifically…
Part two
Marc Yor was a brilliant mathematician whose love for mathematics led him to work tirelessly to help anyone trying to use it to do whatever. We came from finance to seek his help and advice to find an engagement of time, effort and encouragement that at first we did not understand. But he just loved the subject and all who tried to do something with it. With this in mind we reminisce here about our interactions and discussions that led to our joint mathematical contributions to finance. There are of course many other contributions of a scholar with his stature and ability, but we let others speak about them. Given Marc’s available time, these endeavours encouraged Madan to spend every January for some ten years in Paris. Marc always greeted Madan on these trips by asking what was not working and this set the agenda for the month.
The discussions that led to the work usually took place at Café Soufflot in the month of January, starting at 9 in the morning on a Saturday, and going through till 11 when we moved to some other Café for a bit, followed by lunch after which Marc took the train back home. These weekend meetings set the schedule for the work week when Marc was of course also engaged in many other matters at the University.
The early work centered around discussions about how asset prices should be modeled. We recognized that quite generally they could be seen as Brownian motion under a time change. It was the recognition that all increasing processes that are candidates for time changes are discontinuous if they have some local uncertainty that led us to focus on discontinuous processes. Besides the fact that for practical purposes they are flexible enough to alter both skewness and excess kurtosis locally. We were already dealing with such a time change given by the gamma process as embedded in the variance gamma process. Marc maintained that both Brownian motion and the gamma process were fundamental, one for real valued processes and the other for positive increasing processes.
At one these meetings Madan, who was a consultant at Morgan Stanley, complained that the variance gamma model being used at the bank to mark option books regularly at market close world wide had to have different parameters for each option maturity. The model was defined for all maturities but the parameters had to be made maturity specific. It was a success that they were not strike specific and it would be nice to have a model that worked not only across option strikes but maturities as well. These models are constructed by defining a function describing the rate at which price moves of different sizes are occurring. The variance gamma had such a rate function, and the first attempt was to alter this rate function, make it more general with some more parameters. Marc had worked with Vershik on combining the rate function for the gamma process with that for the stable \( \alpha \) laws. We decided to investigate this rate function combination as a new rate function for moves in the logarithm of the stock price. The variance gamma model already had three parameters and the \( \alpha \) parameter of the stable \( \alpha \) laws was a fourth parameter. Remembering Samuelson’s story, at the Bachelier congress 2000 in Paris, of how he chose the name “American Options” for such options, by emphasizing the power authors have in naming things, we denoted each of the parameters by the last name initials of the four authors. This led to the \( CGMY \) model. The parameter \( Y \) was the stable \( \alpha \) parameter and addressed the fine structure of the process going from finite activity to infinite variations as \( Y \) ranged between negative to positive unity. It was appropriately labeled after Marc.
Unfortunately the \( CGMY \) model did not solve the problem of finding a parsimoniously parameterized model consistent with some 300 option prices across strike and maturity at market close on a single day. All the four parameters had to be made maturity specific as they had to be for the variance gamma model. In fact we learned from this experience that no rate function for logarithmic price moves that was independent of the time of the move could ever fit option prices across maturity. This was because all time independent rate functions were associated with skewness of log prices at maturity \( t \) falling like the reciprocal of the square root of the maturity \( t \), while excess kurtosis fell like the reciprocal of \( t \). In the option data one could check that both skewness and excess kurtosis tended to be constant or slightly rising.
At another Café Soufflot meeting Marc offered yet another remarkable and beautiful solution to the problem. He observed that both Lévy and Khintchine had studied in 1937–1938 the question of all the limit laws that may possibly exist on taking limits of centered and scaled sequences of random variables. They had been classified as the set of self-decomposable laws all which were a subset of laws with the time independent rate functions we had been working with. These limit laws had just been sitting there receiving little attention from anyone. Marc commented that Sato had recently shown how to associate with each self-decomposable or limit law a process with a time dependent rate function called an additive process. It turned out that the variance gamma law was self-decomposable and one could build the associated additive process that we termed the Sato process. This was successful and remains to date the only parsimonious, in fact four parameter, model consistent with option prices across strike and maturity at market close on a single stock. The model synthesizes some 300 option prices in just four parameters. We published the results with some requested delay in 2007.
Marc was of course also interested not just in the Sato process but in all other processes that may have the same consistency with option prices across strikes and maturities. This led to the construction of numerous such examples and the paper titled “Making Markov Martingales Meet Marginals”. He began with the work on Skorohod embedding and generalized from thereon. It was wonderful to watch all the various constructions come into existence.
In the meantime the market had begun trading the volatility of stock prices directly along with options on this volatility. Models with a constant rate function or even one with a fixed time dependence as in the Sato process would see no volatility of volatility and must price options on volatility at the larger strikes at zero. Realized variance however was a random variable and our first piece in this direction explicitly priced options on realized in such structures. The access was via explicit constructions of the Laplace transform of the quadratic variation for such a process.
Later we formulated models with our successful rate functions that explicitly allowed volatility to be volatile as opposed to being constant. We borrowed from the literature on stochastic volatility to change the clock of our constant rate function models by running them on clocks that randomly speed up or slow down but revert towards some constant speed in the longer term. We came up with two classes of models with the required volatility of volatility. In the first, the expected future stock price appropriately discounted equalled the initial stock price. In the second the expected future stock price computed at any intermediate time appropriately discounted to the intermediate time equalled the stock price at this intermediate time. The theory of no dynamic arbitrage in markets argued that the second model was the right one. However, the first model fit the data much better. This outcome posed a quandary to be understood and clarified.
The answer came in differentiating different arbitrage opportunities or opportunities to make money at no risk. One of these involves putting on a riskless profitable trade at today’s prices and then holding positions to maturity with no further trading. Such arbitrages are called static arbitrages and their absence is termed no static arbitrage. Other dynamic arbitrages present in models involve trading in the future as well at prices prevailing in the model at the future dates. A trader who sees a static arbitrage will put it on, but one who sees a dynamic arbitrage in a model may be reticent in putting it on as he or she does not believe that the required future trades can be conducted at the prices being proposed or assumed in the model. The first model that fit the data was consistent with no static arbitrage. The second that did not fit the data was consistent with no dynamic arbitrage but as these arbitrages were model dependent and they could be ignored in actual markets. Understanding these differences in the potential information used by markets and those made available in models was critical in resolving the quandary. Marc showed how the absence of static arbitrage was consistent with no dynamic arbitrage in some different model for how information may be evolving and the market may pay attention to this difference. Dynamic arbitrage in some specific model is just that and unless you have complete model confidence it may be market ignored.
The absence of static arbitrage was tied to distributions for the stock price at each maturity being increasing in the convex order. This just means that the price of convex payoffs promised later are worth more. The same question could be asked about distributions of volatility in the markets for options on volatility. Though one could prove they had to be increasing in the convex order we observed that once scaled to a common expectation, they tended to be increasing in the convex order. These investigations led Marc to develop the properties of what he eventually called peacocks and lyrebirds.
Leaving aside parsimonious parametric models, the industry often uses nonparametric models whereby the volatility of the stock is a modeled as a deterministic function of the price and calendar time. For rate functions this requires making the speed of the clock a deterministic function of the price and calendar time. The question then arises on how to recover such clock dependence from quoted options prices. The corresponding question for volatility in the case of Brownian motion driving the stock was answered in the Dupire local volatility model and formula relating local volatility to the option prices. Marc showed via an application of the Meyer–Tanaka–Itô formula in the context of rate functions how one may extract a deterministic clock speed function from option prices. This work has been extended to including a separate stochastic component to the volatility or the clock speed but now recovery from option prices is no longer possible and one has to look to other sources. Attention is being paid to the joint information that may be recovered from options on the stock and options on the volatility of the stock.
Apart from Paris, Marc regularly visited the United States and Berkeley in particular. On one of these occasions he visited Madan at Morgan Stanley, on his way back to Paris, and spent one day at the bank. He had a desk in a line of computers with no use for one as he worked only with a pen and paper. The head trader on structured equity asked the head quant what the effect of stochastic volatility would be on the price of swap that pays the sum of absolute price changes in the geometric Brownian motion model. The head quant came over to Madan with the question and it was clear that with Marc in the room, where the question was to go. So we asked Marc and he immediately got to work with the predicament that stochastic volatility was stochastic time and time appeared in the Black–Scholes formula in many places. He then transformed the Black–Scholes formula till when time appeared in only place and then proclaimed that he knew this formula as it was the formula for the last time Brownian motion was at a prespecified level. He thus saw the option price as a probability for the first time and this led to the book, a year or two later entitled Option Prices as Probabilities.
On another trip of Madan to Morgan Stanley, he asked Marc with assisting better simulations of the \( CGMY \) model by writing it as a time-changed Brownian motion. Marc always believed this was possible but one had to get down to the details and show how to construct the required time change. We started with the symmetric case and finally wrote this as a time change by a shaved stable subordinator where one threw out some of the jumps in this subordinator. The asymmetric process followed on exponential tilting the symmetric one. The same method worked on other processes like the Meixner process.
In the mathematics of uncertainty all events have a probability. In the financial analysis of uncertainty all events have a price. In general the two are not the same. The price of an event is like a probability and in general will exceed probability when people are adversely affected by the event and wish to insure against it. Examples being the purchase of insurance of many kinds. Other events have probabilities higher than price reflecting a positive expected return to compensate for the risk being undertaken. Examples include the loaning of monies to fund business activity. The probability of success must be substantial when compared to the price. We asked the question of whether it was possible that all risks were priced and there were no events for which the price equalled the probability. We came close to constructing such a situation but not quite there. In any case it is possible that many events see a change between price and probability.
More recently markets are trading equity linked notes with long maturities of 15 to 20 years with claims returning principal but paying substantial coupons provided stock indices lie above a prespecified barrier. The models being used to price such claims have the stock price going to zero with probability one at infinity and Madan was concerned that the probability of staying above the barrier was being underestimated and the coupon overstated. He asked Marc about having models where the discounted stock is well defined at infinity. Marc suggested the use of Wiener gamma integrals for the construction of such processes. They confirm the coupon overstatement and lead to models that allow on to distinguish booms from busts in markets based on whether it is up or down movements that are poorly modeled. Madan and Yor gone on to use these methods to develop a program to detect market malfunction by the loss of a proper limiting discounted stock price and the near future will see the application of such methods to actual markets, but now without Marc’s assistance.
With a view to enhancing the analysis of hybrid products written on two or more underlying uncertainties we developed a simple hybrid model for interest rate and equity hybrids. Modeling the interest rate as mean reverting and driven by positive gamma shocks with the rate moves directly impacting the stock price we formulated the joint characteristic function for the rate, its integral and the logarithm of the stock. This gave us a simulation engine for the analysis of many hybrid products.
In still more recent work, submitted a day after Marc passed away, we linked the theory of two price economies in continuous time to the theory of nonlinear \( G \) expectations, via modeling the nonlinearity in pricing operators by measure distortions of the rate functions mentioned earlier. Madan has gone on to show that the required nonlinearities occur in both measure changes and the discounting functions with possible interactions between them. These advances are delivering nonlinear valuation methodologies for corporate decision, bringing new insights into old and often intractable problems blocked by the use of linearity in valuation. We anticipate much further developments in this nonlinear linkage between rate functions describing uncertainty at the instantaneous time evolution, and the valuation operators guiding investment, risk management and financial decision making more broadly. Unfortunately, we shall have to go without the brilliant insights of Marc at our side.
Appendix: Testimony of a doctoral student
I had the honour and the privilege to be a PhD student of Marc Yor between 2002 and 2006. Hence I had the chance to interact with him on a daily basis with regards to mathematics and, in fact, many other topics. In doing so I was exposed to his incredible knowledge and talent, kindness, humility and help. I will now try to provide the readers with an insight into his qualities by sharing some of my personal experiences with him.
Beginning a PhD Thesis with Marc Yor
Choosing a PhD advisor
First formal meeting
Being part of the Geman, Madan and Yor team
Completion of a thesis with Marc Yor
In this section, I will try to present in my opinion some essential skills and values Marc Yor taught and instilled in his doctoral students.