Celebratio Mathematica

Marc Yor

Marc Yor et les matrices aléatoires

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M. Yor: Some as­pects of Browni­an mo­tion, part 2: Some re­cent mar­tin­gale prob­lems. Lec­tures in Math­em­at­ics ETH Zürich. Birkhäuser (Basel), 1997. MR 1442263 Zbl 0880.​60082 book

H. Mat­sumoto and M. Yor: “An ana­logue of Pit­man’s \( 2M{-}X \) the­or­em for ex­po­nen­tial Wien­er func­tion­als, I: A time-in­ver­sion ap­proach,” Nagoya Math. J. 159 (2000), pp. 125–​166. MR 1783567 Zbl 0963.​60076 article

H. Mat­sumoto and M. Yor: “A re­la­tion­ship between Browni­an mo­tions with op­pos­ite drifts via cer­tain en­large­ments of the Browni­an fil­tra­tion,” Osaka J. Math. 38 : 2 (2001), pp. 383–​398. MR 1833628 Zbl 0981.​60078 article

H. Mat­sumoto and M. Yor: “An ana­logue of Pit­man’s \( 2M{-}X \) the­or­em for ex­po­nen­tial Wien­er func­tion­als, II: The role of the gen­er­al­ized in­verse Gaus­si­an laws,” Nagoya Math. J. 162 (June 2001), pp. 65–​86. MR 1836133 Zbl 0983.​60075 article

N. O’Con­nell and M. Yor: “Browni­an ana­logues of Burke’s the­or­em,” Stochast­ic Pro­cess. Ap­pl. 96 : 2 (December 2001), pp. 285–​304. MR 1865759 Zbl 1058.​60078 article

N. O’Con­nell and M. Yor: “A rep­res­ent­a­tion for non-col­lid­ing ran­dom walks,” Elec­tron. Com­mun. Probab. 7 (2002), pp. 1–​12. Art­icle no. 1. MR 1887169 Zbl 1037.​15019 article

C. Donati-Mar­tin, Y. Dou­merc, H. Mat­sumoto, and M. Yor: “Some prop­er­ties of the Wis­hart pro­cesses and a mat­rix ex­ten­sion of the Hart­man–Wat­son laws,” Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 40 : 4 (2004), pp. 1385–​1412. MR 2105711 Zbl 1076.​60067 article

P. Bour­gade, C. P. Hughes, A. Nik­egh­bali, and M. Yor: “The char­ac­ter­ist­ic poly­no­mi­al of a ran­dom unit­ary mat­rix: A prob­ab­il­ist­ic ap­proach,” Duke Math. J. 145 : 1 (2008), pp. 45–​69. MR 2451289 Zbl 1155.​15025 ArXiv 0706.​0333 article